If you don’t have access to the AviumsHost Account where the domain name is located, you can request the domain renewal as a third-party.
Please note that the domain name will remain in the original Account, and you will not have access to manage the domain after you have paid for the renewal. Only the Account owner can manage the domain.
If this is acceptable to you, to proceed with the renewal follow these steps:
1. Create a new AviumsHost Account, or use your existing AviumsHost Account. Add sufficient funds to your Account.
2. Submit a Support ticket to our Billing/Sales Department with your third party request.
3. Please provide us with the domain name you would like to renew, as well as the username of your prefunded Account.
4. To initiate the renewal as a third-party, please also confirm that we can debit the funds from your Account to process your request.
5. Once our Billing Team has all the required details and checked there are sufficient funds, renewal payment will be deducted from your AviumsHost Account balance.
6. A renewal confirmation email will be sent to the email address linked to the AviumsHost Account where the domain was originally registered.
7. If no objections are received within 24 hours, the domain name will be renewed. You will receive confirmation as a reply to the Support ticket you sent us requesting the domain renewal.
8. If you don’t have access to the original Account where the domain was originally registered, but you want to use the Password Reset Option.
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